About ShipWrecks WA


Welcome to Shipwrecks Western Australia

This guide lets you search our register of shipwrecks along the Swan and Canning rivers, around the shores and reefs of Rottnest Island and the Western Australian Coastline.
All the sites can be explored interactively on your smart phone, laptop or ipad using Google maps for exact positions.Historical and underwater information about the wrecks has been sourced from 40 years of dedicated work by our members.

MAAWA has been established since 1974, and its members represent the amateur division of the Maritime Museum in Fremantle.

We are primarily an archaeology association, not a diving club.
Many members do dive but we have members that don’t.
We carry out research into newly discovered and existing shipwrecks.

MAAWA is authorised to carry out wreck inspections for the museum. There is a wreck inspection most months. MAAWA was involved in placing the plaques at some of the wrecks at Rottnest Island. Each spring we have a weekend of inspecting and cleaning the plaques.

Over the years many MAAWA members have been on expeditions with the WA Museum.
We have a monthly social meeting at the Museum. Where we have discussions on what our members have been doing, there is usually a talk, with slides/video from a guest speaker.
We have a monthly newsletter which is available via email.

Our thanks for Photographs and information

to: Patrick Baker,
WA Maritime Museum

David Jackson     www.divingwawrecks.com

Battye Library WA 
State Library of WA 
Royal Historical Society of WA

Members of MAAWA